Sekedar mencoba mentranslate cerita rakyat Timun Mas ke dalam bahasa Inggris,
tolong kritik dan saran pembaharuannya x)))
Long...long time ago, there was live a married couple of farmer. They lived in the village nears the forest. They lived was happy, but they haven’t got a child.
One day, they prayed to the God, whised they were given a child soon. When they were praying, a giant walked through their house. The giant heard they praying, then gave a cucumber seed.
“Plant this cucumber seed! Then you will get a daughter” the giant said
“Thank you very much” said that married couple exicited.
“But you have to promise. When this child get seventeen of age, you must give her to me”
That married couple so desire to have a child, so they agree without thinking twice.
After that, they planted the cucumber seed. The cucumber was growing up. After months it grew a big gold cucumber out. That gold cucumber became bigger than bigger. After it riped, they picked it off carefully. When they cutted it off how suprised they were. They found a baby girl inside it. They were very happy, they called the baby “Timun Mas”.
Year by year were passed, Timun Mas was growing up became a pretty woman. Her parents were proud of her, but they were afraid too coz when Timun Mas got her seventeenth birthday , the giant will come to fulfillment of their promise.
And the time arrived. The giant came to take Timun Mas. The farmer tried to calm down and thought way to save her daughter.
“Please wait a moment, Timun Mas is playing with her friend. My wife will call her”.
Then his wife come upon her daughter. “My son, take it!” She said by give over a pocket. “It will help you to against The Giant. Now run as fast as you can!”
Then Timun Mas immediately broke away. The Giant waitted very long. He knew he was tricked by The farmer. He angry and destroyed their shack then chased Timun Mas.
The Giant run very fast. He get closer of Timun Mas. Timun Mas took a handfull of salts from the pocket then spreaded it aim to The Giant. Immediately those salts became a wide sea. The gian swam along the sea hardly.
Timun Mas run again, But then The Giant almost catched her up. Timun Mas took again a magic thing from the pocket. It was chili. The chili was thrown by Timun Mas to The Giant. Then a tree with branches thorn snared The Giant. The Giant scream hurt dreadfully. Meanwhile Timun Mas run again to save herself.
But The Giant so strong. He could get hisself free up. He run again to get Timun Mas. He was closer. Timun Mas took her thrid magic thing. She spreaded seeds of magic cucumber. Immediately a wide cucumber garden grew. The Giant very tried and starved. He ate those cucumbers ravenously. Coz he ate too much he sleepy, then he oversleep.
Timun Mas broke away again. She run with all her lengths. But after long, her energy decreased. It was terrible coz when she lossed her energy The Giant woke up and chased her back. The Giant getting closer and closer, Timun Mas very frightened. She threw the last weapon, a shrimp paste. There was more miracle, A wide sludge lake was outspread. The Giant plummet into the lake. He almost grabbed Timun Mas, but the sludge lake pull The Giant down. He couldn’t breath, then sink.
Timun Mas so glad, She saved! She turn back to home. Dad and Timun Mas’s Mom so wonderful seeing her daughter save. “Thanks God, You’ve saved my son” said them.
Since that, Timun Mas life peacefully with her parent. They life happily ever after without fear anymore.
Aplikasi Integral I (lone...)
13 tahun yang lalu